The Power of Positive Self-Talk

All of us have messages that repeatedly play in our minds.  This inner discussion structures the way we react to situations that may occur in our everyday lives.  In order to live  healthy and happy we must purposely pack the thoughts in our minds with positive self-talk.  Most of the time, our self-talk is negative because we remember the bad things we were told as a youth as well as negative reactions from other children.  These awful past experiences tend to slowly lower our self-esteem because these messages have continuously played over and over in our minds.

To recognize the foundation of the damaging messages and then work with the individual to deliberately “overwrite” them is one of the most important things we use in therapy with people who suffer from depression.  For example, we would show someone how valuable they actually are if that person was taught as a child they were worthless. 


Jantz, G. L. (2016, May 16). The Power of Positive Self-Talk. Retrieved from

Positive Self-Talk

By: Brittany Jones

Yesterday I sat by a pond

Pondering upon my self’s reflection.

It appeared that I was faced

With someone else’s face

Because the discouraged countenance staring back at me

Had the darkness of unworthiness written all over it.

There was absolutely no need to read between the lines to see that

That darkness was as dark as the darkest night.

I then told my liquid mirror,

“That image is not either you nor I.”

You have to see that our eyes

Are as bright as the highest IQ.

I am here and am definitely not def or dumb.

My pond will reflect enlightening expressions

That I will use as bate to debate

With thoughts of failure as I fish for internal truth.

I know that from within my heart’s treasure chest

Which resides within my chest,

That I will never again be a pawn

To that dark knight of unworthiness.

By: Brittany Jones

Counseling for Children

Child counseling can be extremely successful if you support your child throughout the counseling process. Family counseling also works wonders if everyone bands together and supports each other through the changes that are being made. Follow these tips to support your child and family in therapy:

1. Be there to listen and offer caring support, without judgment, to your child during the time in child therapy

2. Meet with the child’s counselor to make sure personalities are a match for you and your child.

3. Be open and talk frequently with your child. Make sure discussions are age appropriate; early school aged children need brief, simple discussions or explanations, upper elementary age children may ask more detailed questions and may need help figuring out reality from fiction.

4. Don’t pressure the child to talk to you about what happened in the child counseling session, your child may tell you in his/her own time in his/her own way.

5. Keep the lines of communication open with the child’s counselor and the child. Showing your child that you trust the child’s counselor helps build trust.

6. Try not to rush change. Remember trust is built over time; it’s not any different in child and family counseling. Allow time for your child to learn to trust his/her counselor. If you become intimidated by the child-counselor relationship, bring it up to the counselor (there’s nothing to be embarrassed about).

7. Patience is extremely important throughout the child and family counseling process. Children often don’t know how to express their emotions and fears like an adult would, therefore may have some temporary behavior changes throughout the process.

8. Be a good role model, show the child you are willing to take care of yourself and if you need counseling, seek it.

9. Make time to discuss your child’s worries, fears, and even accomplishments. Be sure to turn off any distractions (phones, TV, video games, etc.) so your child knows how important the time with your child is to you.

10. Most importantly, enjoy favorite activities with your child alone and with the entire family.

If you have any questions, throughout the process, speak up. Your child and family counselor is there to help!

Do I Need Counseling?

Every day millions of people search online for help with their problems, wondering if it’s finally time to reach out for direction and support to handle sadness, depression, anxiety, stress, fights with their partner or spouse, and family issues, among others. Here are some of the questions and mistaken beliefs we encounter as therapists every day.

Can’t I just talk to my friends about my problems?

Talking to a friend about mental health or personal issues may bring you temporary relief, but will make the problem more deep seated in the long run because you become more identified with the issue the longer you complain without intervention. Remember, you get what you pay for, and zero-cost advice is pretty much worth zero!

Nobody can change my situation, so why pay to see a professional about it?

There is a saying that “your world changes when YOU change.”  A professional, licensed therapist is trained in ways to help you respond to your world differently. We have at least two college degrees and extensive supervised training thereafter. There are thinking patterns, usually formed in childhood, of which you are completely unaware. I can show you how you are holding yourself back and perhaps help you find insight and freedom. It’s often a cage of your own making!

I’ve felt this way so long…

If you had a persistent fever, would you just say “oh well” and live with it? Or would you go to a health care specialist who could evaluate, diagnose, and treat it? The average person doesn’t realize how common mood and relationship problems are to the human condition, and that they can be (and are) identified and studied. Whole systems of therapy are developed for common issues, much as drugs are developed for physical ailments.

What will people think?

The people intelligent and mature enough to seek therapy realize that it doesn’t matter what people think! It matters how you live every day of your limited, precious life, and whether you can enjoy that to a higher degree and love more fully. Besides, you would be surprised how many of those “imaginary people” you think are judging you are actually patients themselves.

Is it time for YOU to feel better? It’s time!

Signs of Depression in Adults

signs of depression

PLEASE NOTE: this list is NOT intended to diagnose or treat you. See a licensed mental health provider or medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Most people get “the blues” sometimes that last a day or two. However, Major Depressive Disorder is a SERIOUS and often FATAL illness that occurs in approximately 6.7 percent of US adults. Medications can be helpful, but come with side effects that many people cannot tolerate. Medications will NOT cure the mistaken belief system causing the depression.

 Without talk therapy to both uncover the root cause of the depression and learn ways to manage it, depression can persist despite medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, can help you uncover the beliefs you carry about life without even knowing it. These beliefs often contribute to depression below your level of awareness. Once uncovered, I can help you face and refute the irrational thoughts and replace them with healthy, logical thoughts.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms on a frequent or daily basis, please contact me for a full professional evaluation:

1. sadness

2. pessimism

3. feeling like a failure

4. loss of pleasure

5. guilty feelings

6. punishment feelings

7. self-dislike

8. self-criticalness

9. suicidal thoughts or a sense of, It would be better if I  weren’t here*

10. crying, or unable to cry anymore

11. feeling agitated

12. no interest

13. hard to decide things

14. feeling worthless

15. no energy

16. sleep issues

17. irritable

18. appetite changes, up or down

19. can't concentrate

20. fatigue

21. no sexual interest

(Adapted from the Beck Depression Inventory)

Taking that step to call me for an appointment is hard, but can be the best decision you ever make.


Welcome to Door of Hope Counseling Center

Despite our best laid plans, life can lead us through hard times. Sometimes we face disappointments, discouragements and seemingly disastrous events that emotionally knock us off our feet. At times like these the feelings can be so intense and distressing that we are not sure how to navigate our way back to health and happiness.

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About Us

Elizabeth McQueen is licensed by the state of Georgia and Florida. With 29 years of experience, Elizabeth brings a heart of compassion along with certifications multiple treatment types to meet the needs of all clients.

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Our Services

Door of Hope Counseling Center provides a comprehensive array of counseling services for the treatment of adults, adolescents and children. A variety of treatment approaches are offered for the management many situations and symptoms. Here is a list of some of the things that can be addressed and respond well to therapy services.

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